Jak and Daxter Wiki

Jak and Daxter Trilogy script comprises the full verbal transcript of the Jak and Daxter Trilogy DVD.

  • In some cases, narration overlaps with multiple cutscenes. Therefore, individual cutscene labels have been omitted. Instead, the script is separated into each game's act or hub structure.
  • Two versions of the movie were released, the earlier version not including the entirety of Jak 3. This script covers both, as they are the same where there is overlap.

For other information regarding the format and layout of this article, see the transcript guideline.

The Precursor Legacy[]

Sandover Village[]

Daxter (narrating): Hello everybody! I'm here! The Daxter Factor is in the building! Uh, hello? Hey, where's the cake and dancing girls? Someone said there was a party for me in here. What are you guys watching? Oh I get it, you want me to do some of that cool star commentary, like the big boys do on all those special edition DVDs. Is this thing on?

Daxter (narrating): And now, fellow peeps and cronies, I present to you in full Daxterround sound: the legend of Orange Lightning, and his less-important-hardly-involved sidekick Jak.

Daxter (narrating): That's Jak. Kinda scrawny, huh? And that incredibly handsome guy is me, back when I had pants. As you can see, I was a happy lad, before Jak talked me into going to that stupid Misty Island!

Daxter: What are we doin' here anyway, Jak? This place gives me the creeps!

Daxter: Eek! What is that dark ooze? It sure don't look friendly!

Daxter: The Sage yaps on about the Precursors that built this place all the time: "Where did they go?", "Why did they build this crap?" Now I like Precursor orbs and power cells as much as the next guy, but if you ask me, they must have been real losers.

Daxter: Wo-oah! How did you do that?

Jak: Uh...

Daxter: Jak, I think we're in trouble!

Jak: Hiyah!

Daxter: (yells)

Jak: Huh?

Daxter: Man, that stung! I told you we shouldn't have come here, and you listened!

Daxter: ...What?

Daxter: (screams)

Daxter: Okay, okay. I'm fine, I'm fine.

Daxter: (screams)

Daxter (narrating): As you can see, I handled it quite well.

Daxter (narrating): Once I calmed Jak down, we went to see old evergreen Samos the Sage, about turning me back into my old gorgeous self.

Samos Hagai: What in green tarnation do you two want?

Daxter: We–we–we was, they was–I–I was–...

Samos Hagai: Don't tell me! Instead of heeding my wisdom, the two of you went mucking around at the only place that I told you not to go: Misty Island!

Daxter: That's right! And then we–...

Samos Hagai: And Daxter, you finally took a much-needed bath, but in a bathtub filled with dark eco.

Daxter: Look old man, are you gonna keep yappin', or are you gonna help me out of this mess?!

Samos Hagai: I'm gonna keep yappin'! Because in my professional opinion, the change is an improvement.

Daxter: (growls)

Samos Hagai: And besides... I couldn't help you if I wanted to.

Daxter: What?!

Samos Hagai: There's only one person who has studied dark eco long enough to have a chance at returning you to your previous form: Gol Acheron, the sage. But he lives far to the north; far, far to the north!

Daxter (narrating): Yeah right! If had known what we were about to step into, I would have gladly stayed the village mascot!

Daxter (narrating): Just to get out of Sandover Village, we had to help this bunch of pathetic losers!

Mayor: Your village needs you!

Daxter (narrating): This guy couldn't find his pants without help! Ah, pants...

Farmer: You think you can help an old man?

Sculptor: Little furry dude!

Flut flut: Mama!

Birdwatcher: Isn't that cute?

Fisherman: I can't seem to catch a single fish in this river!

Daxter: Maybe it's your breath!

Daxter (narrating): Well at least they gave us stuff! Jak did all the grunt work while I collected the power cells. (laughs) Suckers! We needed enough of these things to get through the Fire Canyon on my main girl Keira's zoomer.

Daxter: Hey baby! What'ya say you and I go cruisin' on this A-Grav Zoomer?

Keira Hagai: Rule number one: I don't date animals.

Daxter: Aw, you don't know what you're missin' (chuckles).

Daxter (narrating): She couldn't resist me.

Rock Village[]

Daxter (narrating): At last we reached Rock Village, where Samos' buddy the Blue Sage had vanished without a trace! It seems this ugly monster had been terrorizing the village by pelting it with huge boulders! And the people were even more pathetic than in our village!

Geologist: You two look like a couple of capable fellows.

Boggy Billy: Will you help me out?

Gambler: Well, what are you waitin' for? This barrel's gettin' itchy!

Warrior: Oh, my aching head.

Daxter: I doubt that's one of your vital organs! Walk it off, tough guy!

Daxter (narrating): Keira used some of the power cells we collected to raise a large boulder, and we were on our way to face that monster menace!

Daxter: Wait! Uh. I'll stay here and protect Keira. Jak, I think you're ready to handle that monster without me.

Keira Hagai: Oh, really heroic of you.

Daxter (narrating): This called for... Orange Lightning to the rescue!

Daxter (narrating): After I took out that halitosis-challenged neanderthal, everything was looking great, and of course, that's when all hell broke loose!

Volcanic Crater[]

Samos Hagai: Holy yakow! The Red Sage's lab looks worse than the Blue's!

Keira Hagai: Well it definitely looks as though there's been a struggle here.

Gol Acheron: (laughs) I'd hardly call it "struggle", would you, dear sister?

Maia Acheron: Certainly not. The Red Sage gave up with so little effort. No fun at all.

Samos Hagai: Gol? Is that you? What have you two done with the Blue and Red Sages?!

Gol Acheron: Don't worry about your colorful friends, you old fool! They're perfectly safe at our citadel.

Maia Acheron: (laughs)

Daxter: Wait a minute! That was Gol?! The same Gol who's supposed to change me back?! I'm doomed.

Daxter (narrating): I didn't let this little setback get me down. We had work to do! We battled spiders, abominable lurkers, and just when I didn't think it could get any worse, we had to deal with these two rocket scientists!

Willard: Hey, Gordy! Duh, I think we gots visitors!

Gordy: Ya think, Willard?

Gol and Maia's citadel[]

Daxter (narrating): After a lovely romp through the Lava Tubes, my little hottie surprised us with the good news– I mean, the bad news, that Old Greenie had been pruned.

Daxter: Hey! Where's old short, green, and wrinkly?

Keira Hagai: This is terrible! Father is missing! I think Gol and Maia may have kidnapped him as well!

Daxter: Relax, sweetheart. I got everything under control.

Keira Hagai: Under control?! Lurker armies continue to grow across the land, the sages have been kidnapped, Gol and Maia have gathered enough eco to complete their terrible plan, and to stop them you're going to have to fight your way through their citadel!

Daxter: Uh... yeah. That about uh, sums it up.

Keira Hagai: You've got to rescue my father before it's too late! And Jak? Be careful.

Daxter: Yeah, we will be!

Daxter (narrating): Clearly, the stress of the moment was getting to Keira.

Daxter (narrating): All we had to do now was rescue Old Green Bones himself. And his colorful friends... as if these blabbermouths deserved it.

Yellow Sage: Who would've thought I'd live to see the day when I needed to be rescued by a boy and his muskrat!

Daxter (narrating): Hated him!

Blue Sage: I will try to actuate the shield door by eliciting a conduit of energy...

Daxter (narrating): Hated him too!

Blue Sage: ...between myself and the vast portal below!

Daxter: Uh, yeah. You do that.

Red Sage: What are your names?

Daxter: I'm Daxter! He's Jak. He's with me.

Red Sage: You're a real hero, Daxter!

Daxter (narrating): Now there was a smart fellow. Although he did scare me a bit.

Daxter (narrating): Next in line for saving was Old Green Jeans himself.

Gol Acheron: You're too late, Samos! And to think, you two traveled all this way for my help... Fools! Enjoy your front-row seats to the recreation of the world!

Samos Hagai: Jak! Take the elevator up and stop that robot!

Daxter: Oh great... I get to help the guy that turned me into a furball destroy the only person who can turn me back! (gulps)

Daxter (narrating): You can only push an ottsel so far! I opened up a can of orange purée whoop-ass on Gol and Maia and their stupid Precursor robot.

Daxter (narrating): Finally those silly rainbow sages made themselves useful by combining their powers to make something that could stop this dark eco menace.

Gol Acheron: Light eco! It does exist!

Daxter: Light eco! That could be the stuff to change me back! Or... it might stop that robot. Stay fuzzy, save the world. Choices. Okay, fine! We'll save the world. But do it quickly, before I change my mind!

Daxter (narrating): And with a heroic stature taller than my height might suggest, I made a choice to save the world, instead of changing back. And it wasn't a smart one.

Daxter (narrating): I let Jak take this one.

Maia Acheron: Do something!

Jak: (shouts)

Gol Acheron: (yells)

Daxter (narrating): Of course, my girl was worried sick about me, but no worries my dear. Booyah baby! Orange Lightning: one hundred, stupid robot: zero! Looks like those breakdance lessons at the Y really paid off for the Jak man.

Samos Hagai: Well, it looks may have been too hard on you boys! You do have what it takes to be heroes!

Keira Hagai: But, Daxter... now we can't change you back.

Daxter: Don't worry about me, baby! You know what they say: Big things come in small packages! Right Jak? I said, right, Jak?!

Daxter: Woah! Put it on ice, big guy!

Daxter (narrating): She was obviously trying to make me jealous. Yeah right, toots!

Daxter (narrating): And then we found it! After working our butts off on this adventure, after collecting every stinking power cell in this entire crazy world, clawing my paws to the bone, we got, that's right, drumroll please... Absolutely nothing! Zippo! Nada!

Daxter: Wow! What is it?!

Keira Hagai: It's so beautiful...

Samos Hagai: By the Precursors...

Daxter (narrating): Hello! That sucked! That sucked! I'll send you my therapy bill, and a receipt for the broken game controller!

Jak II[]

Act 1[]

Daxter (narrating): So, uh, where were we? Oh yes! After finding that giant glowing thing, we brought it all back to Samos' pad. Don't ask me how.

Samos Hagai: Today's the big day, Jak. I hope you are prepared... for whatever happens.

Keira Hagai: I think I've figured out most of this machine. It interacts somehow with that large Precursor ring. I just hope we didn't break anything moving it here to the lab.

Daxter: Easy for you to say! We did all the heavy lifting!

Samos Hagai: Daxter! Don't touch anything! Though the Precursors vanished long ago, the artifacts they left behind can still do great harm!

Keira Hagai: Or great good! If you figure out how to use them.

Samos Hagai: I've had some experience with such things. I know you can make it work.

Daxter: Looks like Jak's still got the mojo!

Keira Hagai: Interesting. It appears to be reading out some preset coordinates.

Daxter: Wow, look at that!

Metal Kor: Finally, the last Rift Gate has been opened!

Daxter: (screams) What are those things?!

Samos Hagai: So this is how it happened...

Metal Kor: (roars) You cannot hide from me, boy!

Keira Hagai: Do something, Jak!

Daxter: What's this do? O–or that? How 'bout this one? Everybody, press all the buttons!

Keira Hagai: What was that thing?!

Samos Hagai: Hang on everyone!

Daxter: (screams) I want off this thing!

Keira Hagai: (screams)

Samos Hagai: Find yourself, Jak!

Daxter: Okay, I swear, that's the last time I ever, ever, touch any stupid Precursor crap!

Guard: There he is. Move in. Step away from the animal!

Daxter: (screams)

Erol: Forget the rat! The Baron wants him.

Erol: We've been waiting for you.

Daxter: Don't worry, Jak! I'll save you before you know it!

On-screen: Two Years Later...

Daxter (narrating): Okay, so I got a little sidetracked! I had a few adventures of my own those two years, okay?! Don't judge. Anyway, I got to Jak as soon as I could. You see, Jak was being held by Praxis and Erol in one big nasty fortress, and I have this thing against torture. It's not for me.

Computer voice: Dark eco injection cycle complete. Bio readings nominal and unchanged.

Baron Praxis: (humphs) Nothing! I was informed that this one might be different!

Erol: He is surprisingly resistant to your experiments, Baron Praxis. I fear the Dark Warrior Program has failed.

Baron Praxis: (shouts) You should at least be dead with all the dark eco I've pumped into you!

Erol: What now? Metal Head armies are pressing their attacks. Without a new weapon, my men cannot hold them off forever.

Baron Praxis: I will not be remembered as the man who lost this city to those vile creatures! Move forward with the final plan! And finish off this "thing" tonight!

Erol: As you wish.

Erol: I'll be back later...

Daxter: Ding ding, third floor. Body chains, roach food, torture devices. Hey buddy, you seen any heroes around here? Woah! What'd they do to you? Jak, it's me, Daxter!

Daxter: That's a fine hello! I've been crawling around in this place, risking my tail—literally—to save you! I've been looking for you for two years! Say something, just this once!

Jak: I'm gonna kill Praxis!

Daxter: (shushes) Right now we gotta get you out of here. Just let me figure out how to open the security locks on your chair so I can–...

Dark Jak: (screams)

Daxter: Or uh, you could do it. Jak? Easy now. Easy buddy. It's-it's your old pal Daxter, remember?

Dark Jak: (screams)– Daxter?

Daxter: What the heck was that?! Sheesh! Remind me not to piss you off! Come on tall, dark, and gruesome, we're out of here.

Daxter (narrating): Clearly, Jak had some anger issues. He was looking to settle the score with Baron Praxis, and it didn't matter who got in his way.

Kor: Hello strangers, my name is Kor. May I help–...

Jak: You look like a reasonably smart man. I want information. Where the hell am I?!

Daxter: Uh, sorry. He's new to the whole conversation thing.

Kor: Well, my angry young friend, you are a "guest" of his "majesty" Baron Praxis, the ruler of "glorious" Haven City.

Jak: I was just a "guest" in the good Baron's prison.

Kor: Inside a cell, or inside the city, walls surround us both; we are all his prisoners.

Kor: Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I-I'd move on if I were you.

Guard: By order of his eminence, the Grand Protector of Haven City, Baron Praxis, everyone in this section is hereby under arrest for suspicion of harboring Underground fugitives. Surrender and die!

Daxter: Uh, excuse me sir, don't you mean, "Surrender, or die"?!

Kor: Not in this city. Protect us from these guards, and I'll introduce you to someone who can help you!

Daxter (narrating): Did I mention his anger issues?

Daxter (narrating): I've seen him do this to the paparazzi. Not pretty.

Daxter: That was cool! Do it again.

Jak: Something's... happening to me. Something he did... I can't control it!

Kor: Very impressive.

Daxter: Uh, you okay Jak?

Kor: What you just did was very brave. This child is important.

Daxter: This kid? He looks kinda scruffy.

Guard: You are in a restricted zone. Move along.

Kor: Thank you for your help, but I must get this boy to safety.

Daxter: Hey! What about us?

Kor: There is an underground group waging war against Baron Praxis. Its leader, the Shadow, could use fighters like you. Go to the Slums, find a dead-end alley near the city wall. Ask for Torn, he can help you.

Daxter (narrating): Unfortunately, this betty wasn't Torn (but more on her later).

Jak: Are you Torn?

Daxter: Maybe this guy's a mute, like you used to be.

Torn: New faces make me nervous. Word is you're out to join the fight for the city. You know, picking the wrong side could be... unhealthy.

Jak: We want to see the Shadow.

Torn: (chuckles) Not likely. If you want to join something, why don't you and your pet go join the circus? Heh. Unless you've got the fur for a really tough task.

Daxter (narrating): Before we knew it, we were errand boys for the Tattooed Wonder. This was the big league, baby! Well, I went to work. Doing the tough stuff. Like, uh... testing gravity.

Daxter: (yells)

Daxter (narrating): Testing the water.

Daxter: (gargles, gags, spits)

Daxter (narrating): Cleaning the pipes. Yes: an ottsel was hurt in the filming of this game!

Daxter (narrating): I'd had just about enough of these stupid missions, so I decided to give Torn a piece of my mind.

Daxter: Hey! Tattooed Wonder, how come we get all the crappy missions?!

Torn: Because I... don't... like... you.

Daxter: Fair enough.

Daxter (narrating): Torn had us take a load of eco ore to his main underworld supplier. Now we were getting connected with the big boys. However, I had no idea how big!

Daxter: You Krew? Well we shook the heat, and your shipment's in primo condition.

Krew: That's good eh, because a cargo of rare eco ore is worth more than ten of your lives! Mmm, and of course, I'd be forced to collect (inhales) slowly... (chuckles) The Underground will take anyone with a pulse these days. And what do we have here? The Shadow's mascot of the month? Ooh, soft. Sig, this fur would go well with my silk suits, eh?

Daxter: Listen, uh, tons of fun, anyone can see that you, uh, and I have the real juice in this burg. We're both players, right? We're both looking for a piece of the action, right? I think we can do business... right?

Krew: I'll hire you for a job or two, eh?

Daxter (narrating): And just like that we were working for the crime boss Krew. And believe me, it wasn't pretty. Of course, being that huge, Krew made a great target! It was almost too easy.

Krew: Everyone wants a piece of me.

Daxter: Lucky for you, there's plenty to go around!

Krew: The sewers used to be a fabulous smuggling route for me.

Daxter: Before those late night snack runs kept you from fitting out the front door.

Daxter: Ooh, Krew-meister! Have you been exercising? You're looking good! And those legs! They're so uh, chiseled.

Daxter (narrating): Still, working for an arms dealer and his muscle Sig did have an upside. Guns!

Daxter (narrating): The only thing better than fast cars and fast guns are fast babes!

Daxter: Hi, sugarplum.

Daxter (narrating): Especially this one.

Daxter: You new here? Well whatcha got that's uh, hot and– Wait, I've seen you before. You're with the Underground!

Tess: (shushes) I'm Tess. Torn sent me to spy on Krew. Play along, and I may be able to get my hands on a few of Krew's secrets.

Daxter: Ooh, I love undercover work, baby!

Daxter (narrating): Not only did I dig this girls hot moves...

Daxter: Hiya! Hiya! Wha! Hah!

Daxter (narrating): She clearly dug mine.

Krew: What's his problem, eh?

Daxter: I'm just fine... (burps) mind your own business... (hiccups) I sometimes feel so very...

Daxter (narrating): And despite my, uh, vices (chuckles), this girl loved me! Who wouldn't?

Tess: Oh, Daxter you're amazing!

Daxter: Yeah, I know. Scratch me there.

Tess: You're such an animal!

Daxter: Be careful, angel cheeks, and your hero will return shortly!

Daxter (narrating): Another day, another mission. Torn sent us to rescue some pathetic loser in the strip mine.

Vin: (screams) Stay back!

Daxter: Do something, Jak! This guy's crazy!

Jak: Hey, are you Vin? We're here to help. Torn sent us.

Vin: Stay back!

Jak: Look, if we were here to kill you, you wouldn't be talking right now!

Vin: Oh, friendlies? Oh, thank goodness! Wai... so... wh...

Daxter (narrating): This sack of nerves had one too many jugs of java.

Vin: Hey I want to thank you guys for saving my butt out there at the strip mine.

Daxter: And we'd like to thank you for being such a bad shot!

Vin: Ah yeah, sorry about that guys. Hah, I'm a bit jumpy these days.

Daxter: Jumpy? We hadn't noticed! (screams) A metal head behind you!

Vin: (screams) What the! Who the! What? Wha! (panicked breathing)

Daxter: Just kidding. Nice reaction time though.

Vin: Not funny!

Daxter (narrating): Back at HQ, I was all business, putting on my game faces.

Torn: One of my old guard comrades was sent to the pumping station. I'm afraid she may need some help.

Torn: Stop that! This is serious, you moron!

Daxter: Hwah! That's right! Don't mess with the sugar.

Daxter: Eh, what the heck are we doing risking our lives to rescue some old Krimzon Guard hag anyway? She's probably got more facial hair than me!

Ashelin Praxis: Who the hell are you two?

Daxter: Mmm, I do love a woman in uniform! Wanna bark some orders at me? Woof woof! I'm your soldier on the front lines of love. Waiter, foxhole for two!

Ashelin Praxis: Keep talking and I'll raise your voice a couple of octaves.

Jak: Easy. Torn asked us to help you.

Ashelin Praxis: I don't need help. But you might. We've got company.

Daxter (narrating): This red hot number could fight as tasty as she looked. If I had to get my butt kicked by someone, I would love it to be her!

Daxter: Watching me take care of those metal heads was uh, pretty exciting, wasn't it sugar?

Daxter: Hey! Sweet stripes! Gimme them digits so I can look you up sometime! We'll party hard, big city style!

Ashelin Praxis: Tell Torn Baron Praxis is planning something big. I think it has to do with that symbol.

Jak: What is it?

Ashelin Praxis: It's the seal of the House of Mar, the founder of Haven City. We're being sent out on suicide missions to locate artifacts from the time of his rule. If curiosity's worth dying for, you can ask the blind old soothsayer in the Bazaar named Onin. She might know something about all this. Here's my Bazaar access security pass.

Jak: Your name's Ashelin, huh?

Ashelin Praxis: We're even now.

Daxter: Wow! What a woman! (growls)

Daxter (narrating): We followed Ashelin's lead and found the world's oldest living fossil, Onin, but this prune wasn't the only clown in the tent.

Daxter: Cool! Check out all the dead stuff!

Pecker: (bites)

Daxter: Ow!

Pecker: Touch the goods again, rat boy, and you'll be (squawks) counting with your toes!

Pecker: I am Pecker! Yes, yes, I know, my mother, she was, very vindictive. I am Onin's interpreter.

Pecker: Onin welcomes you, blah blah blah blah blah, the usual boring salutations.

Daxter: Oh! Oh! Let me try! Uh, she wants a, she wants a yakow bone! A yakow bladder? No, no! I got it! For many moons... she has... waited for... a juice pop? A jewel shop? Oh! Oh! I know, she's got a hairball?! A hair lip? A hairy chest?

Pecker: Close... but no!

Daxter (narrating): Onin had us collect something called the Life Seed, but that loudmouth Pecker wouldn't keep his beak shut.

Pecker: Mmmm... bird seed.

Daxter: Back off, feather weight!

Pecker: Listen tiny tail, I was leading my hundredth flock south before you had fur one between your legs! Not that your fur means anything!

Daxter: At least I'm not some over-stuffed, over-yappin', feather dusty mouthpiece for the world's oldest professional! Jak says, "Have a nice day", Jak says, "I can't think on my own", Jak says, "Go bite yourself!"

Pecker: That's it, rat boy! Now you've really pissed me off!

Pecker and Daxter: (shouts)

Jak: Knock it off, both of you!

Pecker: You're lucky I'm famished!

Daxter (narrating): So Onin continued the finger paint, and Pecker, well, I wanted to give him the bird!

Daxter (narrating): We finally made it up to the Baron's palace. Ah, reminds me of my college days, peeping in on the girls' showers.

Baron Praxis: I will have more eco by week's end. We'll transport it directly to your nest, as promised.

Metal Kor: A deal is of no value if you can't deliver, my dear Baron. I grow impatient with your puny gestures. Give me the agreed upon eco soon, or the deal is off, and your precious city will pay the price.

Erol: He's toying with us! Let me lead an assault on the nest before it's too late! I can take him!

Baron Praxis: Patience, commander. No one has ever penetrated the Metal Head nest, you know that. Move forward with the plan! Tell Ashelin to up her patrols. I want that tomb found.

Erol: But your daughter has not been... agreeable.

Baron Praxis: (groans) I'll see to that problem, one way or another.

Jak: Ashelin is the Baron's daughter?

Daxter (narrating): This adventure was turning out to have a few twists and turns. We had to tell Torn and the others pronto!

Daxter: We overheard a secret meeting with the leader of the Metal Heads!

Kor: You saw the Metal Head leader?

Jak: No, he was on some communicator, but we heard him talking with Baron Praxis.

Daxter: The Baron is bribing the Metal Heads with eco!

Kor: (hmphs) It will never be enough.

Daxter: But the Baron's gonna double-cross him!

Kor: Is that so?

Kor: Expecting that little boy to save us is folly! At his age, he is no match for the Metal Head leader. Oh, Jak.

Daxter (narrating): Old man Kor seemed to know quite a lot about Metal Heads.

Kor: And for good reason. I've seen what metal heads do when they take a city; the destruction, the killing, the devouring...

Kor: I saw some of the bigger ones; awesome creatures.

Daxter: We saw a big one coming out of a rift once. He was ugly!

Kor: (hmphs) You and your sidekick are causing quite a stir in our fight against the Baron.

Daxter: You hear that, Jak? You're the sidekick!

Daxter: Hey, uh, wise and whiskered, you uh, got something itching under your robes? They have ointment for that you know.

Kor: It's just my aching bones.

Daxter (narrating): This stinkin' city was getting on my nerves, but just when we thought it couldn't get any worse, we had a rude awakening!

Daxter: Is that... Is that? No, it couldn't be. That's not...

Jak: It's... Samos' hut.

Daxter: But what? How? When? Where? Why?!

Jak: We're in the future, Dax. This horrible place is our world!

Act 2[]

Daxter (narrating): Finally... Torn introduced us to the Shadow...

Shadow: So, you're the new recruits who keep getting into trouble.

Daxter: Oh no, not you!

Shadow: Welcome to our humble Underground movement. I am known as the Shadow, but you may call me Samos. And you are?

Daxter: Sheesh Jak, we went through all that to meet his holiness, old log on the head, grandpa green?!

Jak: Don't you know who we are?

Shadow: Sorry kid, never seen you before, and I never forget a face. Especially one that ugly.

Daxter: So it begins.

Jak: How is this possible? We came through the rift with you. Into the future, right?

Daxter: Yeah! You used to look older than dirt, and uglier than a knotted stump. What gives? Did you get a little nip and tuck while we were gone?

Shadow: Listen boys, I don't know what kind of twigs you've been chewing on, but I don't have time for this. We've got a Baron to overthrow, a child heir to protect, an invasion of Metal Heads to stop, and a city to save. I'd say the schedule's pretty full!

Daxter (narrating): And boy was it ever! We got this gear...

Daxter: Like candy from a baby!

Daxter (narrating): And this big lens...

Daxter: (sniffs) Something's cooking. Hmm, kinda smells like... burnt ottsel?! (yells) Wooh!

Daxter (narrating): Here I am testing it.

Daxter: (yells) Hot hot hot!

Daxter (narrating): And standard in every adventure game, yes, the always-present key.

Jak: Woah! Got it! Where would you be without me, eh Dax?

Daxter: Well Jak, I probably wouldn't be two feet tall, fuzzy, and running around in a sewer without a pair of pants. God, I miss pants.

Daxter (narrating): We did it all for this kid! Everyone thought he was so special, wearing some royal seal or something. Anyway, with my help, we got the kid to Mar's temple.

Shadow: You did it, Jak! You actually found Mar's tomb!

Jak: Great! Now what? We send this poor kid into a meat grinder?

Kor: This is the day I've long awaited; to finally hold the fabled Precursor Stone in my hands.

Shadow: You must be cautious, child. The tests of manhood are sure to be fraught with peril, and Mar's heir must face them alone.

Daxter: It's okay, kid. You can do it. It's just a deep, pitch-black, sure-to-be-filled-to-the-brim-with-painful-death old tomb... I wouldn't go in there.

Oracle: Welcome, heir of Mar. Finally, the chosen one stands before me. Enter and prove yourself worthy to claim the ancient birthright.

Oracle: No! This child is too young to face the tests!

Kor: What?! No!

Shadow: Do something, Jak!

Daxter: Jak, remember the "sure-to-be-filled-to-the-brim-with-painful-death" part?!

Daxter: (screams)

Daxter (narrating): Faced with certain death, I bravely led Jak into the temple to face the tests.

Oracle: Welcome, young warrior. Today you have proven yourself worthy to receive Mar's legacy.

Daxter: He's talking about me! Thanks your holy statue-ness.

Oracle: What you are about to receive contains grave power. Eons ago, the Precursors waged a terrible war with the Hora-quan, those dark creatures you refer to as Metal Heads. Driven by their dark leader, the Metal Head legions destroyed our great civilization, and now they swarm the universe unopposed, looking for the last relics of our power. Mar tried to hide the Precursor Stone in this tomb to protect it from them. It is our last hope, and you were chosen to keep that hope alive.

Jak: I think you've got me confused with someone else. I just want the stone.

Oracle: It is time to fulfill your destiny! Behold!

Daxter: Wow! Let's get the goods.

Baron Praxis: You fools! You brought me right to the stone. Your pitiful Underground friends were no match for my guards above! Now I will gain the power I need to crush my enemies! And after claiming the stone, I'll begin with you!

Oracle: Abomination! The Precursor Stone was not meant for you!

Baron Praxis: Nice try, but the stone is still mine! Don't worry, I will use the stone to its full potential. Soon, all who oppose me will be destroyed by its power!

Act 3[]

Daxter (narrating): Let me go on record here: I had nothing to do with this fiasco. Not only did Jak lose the Precursor Stone, but all of our friends were thrown into prison as well! I can't be without my entourage!

Daxter: Hey there, sweetheart! The Metal Head Masher has saved the day! Oh, and I let Jak tag along too.

Tess: Oh, my little hero!

Jak: Samos, are you all right?

Samos Hagai: What took you so long? I added six rings to my trunk waiting for you two to get me out of here! Great yakow horns! What happened to you, Jak?

Daxter: Wait a minute! You're you! I mean the other you! I mean... you know what I mean.

Shadow: Yes, it appears I have an older time twin.

Shadow: Great grass grubs. I can't believe what a cranky old log I become!

Daxter: Two Samos the Sages? (screams) Jak, they're multiplying!

Samos Hagai: We need to find the kid, pronto!

Shadow: What are you talking about, old growth? The kid already opened the tomb. Our top priority should be to disrupt the Baron's forces!

Samos Hagai: Oh, look who thinks they've sprouted. If you were half as wise as I am, you'd know that the proper course of action is to find the kid!

Shadow: Listen, you old dried up leaf, I run this outfit, and I say we go after the Baron's forces.

Daxter: Do we have to separate you two?

Jak: Vin's activating the warp gate. We need to get out of here now!

Daxter (narrating): Rumor was, some reclusive mechanic chick at the stadium had the 411 on the Baron. But, since she was unable to see my handsome mug from behind her curtain, she was giving us some lip.

Mechanic: You must be Krew's new errand boys. Don't you have someone to collect money from, or beat up, or something?

Daxter: Let me handle this, Jak. Listen lady, now there's just two things you need to know...

Keira Hagai: Wait, that voice...

Daxter: One, we don't want to join your stinking race team; and two, you just lost a date with Orange Lightning. Let's go Jak.

Keira Hagai: Daxter! It is you!

Daxter: Keira?!

Keira Hagai: Oh I never thought I'd be so glad to see your furry mug! And Jak! You look... different.

Jak: It's been a tough ride.

Daxter: The Baron pumped our boy here full of dark eco, and it did something to him. Now he's got super moves or something—and a few anger issues as well.

Keira Hagai: I've been looking for you guys forever. And planning a way to get us back home.

Jak: I need to get to the Baron.

Keira Hagai: You could try to win the Class One racing championship. The winner of that big race always gets to meet the Baron in the Palace.

Daxter (narrating): To win that race we had to beat Erol. Old Mr. Grumpy Pants.

Erol: I want more than just to win, eco freak! I want you!

Baron Praxis: Greetings, racers! Today your nerve and skill will be tested for our amusement. If any of you should by some small chance beat our grand champion Erol, then you will be awarded a month's supply of eco! And a short tour of my Palace to see how the other half live. Good luck, and die bravely! Ready! Get set!

Daxter (narrating): Being the amazing racer that I am, well... you know how it is.

Daxter: Thank you, thank you very much. Mwah! I love my public!

Baron Praxis: Ah, a brave man of the people. And who is this worthy opponent?

Jak: Surprise.

Baron Praxis: What?

Jak: Just a little closer. We need to talk.

Baron Praxis: Fool! Don't you get it? It's over, Jak! All the heroes died long ago! Only survival remains, by whatever means! This city is mine! These lives are mine! This war is mine! And in war, people die! Kill him!

Guard: Look out!

Erol: I win, Jak!

Baron Praxis: After them!

Daxter (narrating): So we made our escape. But there was one last bit of business we had to attend to with our old employer. As usual, we found Krew up to no good.

Krew: I knew you were special when I first met you Jak, and I commend you for making it this far. We've come a long way, eh?

Jak: Yeah. I'm getting real teary eyed.

Krew: I love weapons. I love how they look, how they feel, even how they smell. (sniffs)

Jak: I think you need serious help.

Krew: My favorite was the impossibly powerful weapon Mar built to blast open the Metal Head nest. Poor fool died before he could use it, ah well. But I have a new favorite, the piercer bomb I've just completed. My masterpiece is powerful enough to crack open the Precursor Stone, and release the untold energy inside! As soon as the Baron shows up with the stone, we'll hide it in the last shipment of eco and deliver it to the Metal Head nest. A surprise dessert, eh? (chuckles) Just take this gun upgrade and forget what you saw here.

Jak: Not this time, Krew! I'm through being your hired gun!

Krew: Then it's war, isn't it?

Daxter (narrating): The big boy had to go down!

Daxter (narrating): This was too much of a bad thing.

Jak: Is it too late to give my notice?

Daxter: Yeah, we quit!

Krew: The city is already dead! I've sold you all out. (laughs, coughs)

Daxter: Uh, Jak, I think maybe we should be anywhere else just about now!

Jak: Ashelin!

Ashelin Praxis: We're out of here!

Krew: Oh well...

Daxter (narrating): What a gooey mess that would have been to clean up! Ashelin dropped us off, and we were off to find the Baron, but someone beat us to him.

Jak: Kor! What's going on?

Kor: I'm sure you know... deep down in your darkest nightmares. We've met before, remember? Everything's going exactly as planned. (laughs)

Daxter: Jak! It's the Metal Head leader!

Metal Kor: Now you see! Without the Shield Wall disrupting my powers inside the city, I am my full potential now! So for the last time, give me the Precursor Stone!

Baron Praxis: If the city must die, then we all die! (shouts)

Metal Kor: I will find that Stone if I have to crush this city one brick at a time!

Baron Praxis: You are the supreme weapon, Jak, and I made you. Still, any leader worth his salt always has his backup plan... Remember, the first rule in making a bomb, is to always make two!

Daxter: Oh, okay, I'm going in! Man, what a mess a junk in here! All jumbled coils and switches! Should I unhook the blue wire? Wait a minute... Are ottsels color blind?! Let me just break a few more things and see if anything pops loose... Boom! (laughs) Gotcha! Like candy from a baby!

Daxter (narrating): Once we had the stone, we took it to Mar's old boomstick to blow open the Metal Head nest. That was my idea.

Jak: Precursor Stone, gun, nest!

Daxter: Light her up, padre!

Jak: (laughs) Eat this!

Daxter: That ought to wake 'em up!

Jak: Let's go take care of business!

Daxter: What? You mean, go in there? Uh, I'm right behind you.

Daxter (narrating): Behind you, in front of you... let's not split hairs, shall we? I was going to face him, wasn't I?

Metal Kor: Finally, you've decided to join us, and you brought the Precursor Stone. Good. The boy will now play his final part!

Jak: Not this time!

Metal Kor: Oh, but this child is such a part of this, such a part of you; don't you recognize him? The boy is you, Jak! And this place, this is where you began—in the future!

Jak: But, how?

Metal Kor: You were hidden in the past on the hope that you would gain the skills to face me today, but Onin was wrong! Now that you've been altered with dark eco, the stone will never open for you. Your younger self, however, still has the pure gift! He alone can awaken the Stone and the Precursor entity, which sleeps inside.

Jak: This stone is a Precursor?

Metal Kor: The last Precursor egg. Mar was clever. He covered his tracks well through time, hiding his last egg from me, and building the shield and city to defend it! It has been a long siege, but today, I will finally feed on the last Precursor life force!

Daxter: Uh, I think you're forgetting one little thing, metalo-maniac! We've got the Precursor Stone!

Metal Kor: Not for long!

Metal Kor: Die!

Daxter (narrating): With the usual bravado, I took it to Kor big time! Eh, with a little help from Jak.

Daxter (narrating): Now I've exterminated bugs before, but this big boy was a whopper of a squash!

Jak: Oh man, a Precursor.

Precursor: It is finished. Our ancient enemy is no more. Take hope, brave one. The terrible darkness inside you is now balanced by a glorious light! We will meet again.

Keira Hagai: We haven't much time. I've set the coordinates back to our village. Let's go home, everyone.

Jak: But we are home.

Samos Hagai: Keira, I'm afraid your rift rider must be used to send young Jak here to a place where he will grow up safe from harm. He must become old enough to complete the destiny he has fulfilled today.

Shadow: Wait a minute! It's you! I-I mean, it's me! I have to take him back and watch over him, don't I? Ah, grub roots! Talk about being in the wrong time at the right place!

Jak: Hey kid, you take care. Oh, and trust me on this: stay away from any wumpbee nests on your ninth birthday, okay?

Keira Hagai: I sure hope I built this replica right. I don't know if it–...

Samos Hagai: It's perfect, Keira. This is the very machine we found, or, will find later.

Keira Hagai: What? I just built this! After seeing the first one, I mean. It's based on what I remember from be–...

Daxter: Honey, the more you think about it, the more it hurts the head!

Shadow: I'll take good care of the child! And don't worry, I'll be back in time for the celebration! Farewell!

Jak: Thanks, Samos. Without you...

Samos Hagai: It's funny, the boy won't remember any of this.

Jak: No, I do remember the light.

(Scene shifts to the Port.)

Daxter: Welcome to the Naughty Ottsel! The hippest, happenest, hoppinest joint in town! Check out the new decor!

Tess: Ooh, what a big trophy!

Daxter: As if size matters? I bagged that bad boy myself, baby.

Pecker: Onin says she doesn't know who has a bigger head, him or you!

Samos Hagai: We must not forget Vin, and all the others who sacrificed their lives to defeat this evil and protect the child.

Jak: I still can't believe that little boy was me. Better times, huh?

Keira Hagai: You miss him, huh? You know, the kid grows up to be a handsome hero!

Daxter: Hey! That's enough for you, lady. I'm cutting you off!

Pecker: Trust me, she gets real mean when she's like this!

Daxter: What'd she say?

Pecker: Something about rubber tubing and certain parts of your mother!

Samos Hagai: You saved the city and more, my boy! Metal Kor and his menace are history, and somewhere out there, an ancient race has begun again.

Jak: I'm just glad to be back home.

Samos Hagai: Yeah, well rest up. We've got a lot to do, and so much time to do it in!

Jak: Don't say "time"! The rift ring was destroyed, remember?

Sig: You know, my mama used to read bedtime stories about Mar when she'd tuck me in. She'd give me a nice glass of warm yakow milk, my little poopsy bear.

Daxter: Bedtime stories? Warm milk? Poopsy bear?! Buddy, you just blew your image!

Samos Hagai: I've got a feeling we'll meet Mar someday. He may be closer than you think.

Sig: You're the designated driver!

Jak: Oh no, I am done with adventures! Besides, you'll tell us before something happens next time, right Samos? Right, Samos?

Pecker: (squawks) You never know what the future may hold.

Daxter: Wait... you know something, don't you, feather breath?

Pecker: Who? Me? Ah, no, we're just, uh, guessing, right Samos? Today, tomorrow, only time will tell.

Daxter: No, you're gonna tell—right now! (screams)

Pecker: Why you little–... (squawks)

Daxter: Don't kick me there.

Pecker: Why you!..

Daxter and Pecker: Ooh! Ow!

Daxter: Ooh, dirty fighting! Dirty fighting!

Pecker: Let go of my feet! Let go of my feet!

Daxter: Watch your pecker!

Pecker: Don't touch me!

Samos Hagai: Jak, my boy, the future awaits!

Jak 3[]

Act 1[]

Daxter (narrating): Yeah, we won, but the future wasn't pretty! After saving that sorry city's butt, you'd think they'd throw us a parade. Instead, they threw us out!

Veger: By order of the Grand Council of Haven City, for heinous acts and crimes against the people, you are hereby banished to the wasteland for life.

Ashelin Praxis: This is a death sentence, Veger. There must be another way.

Veger: Your protest was overruled! This dark eco freak is dangerous! Now drop the cargo!

Pecker: This is an outrage! I am outraged beyond words. Although I do have something to say. Not everyone agrees with this ridiculous (squawks) decree!

Daxter: Yeah! We want a recount!

Veger: Oh, I see you wish to join him!

Pecker: Actually, we are not that outraged. Farewell Jak! Stay out of the sun. Drink lots of water, if you can find it.

Daxter: Jak?..

Jak: Go back to the city, Dax.

Ashelin Praxis: I'm sorry. The council is too powerful. There was nothing I–...

Jak: I know.

Ashelin Praxis: You just stay alive, you hear me? That's an order. Someone will find you, I promise.

Veger: May the Precursors have mercy on you.

Daxter and Pecker: (coughs)

Jak: Daxter!

Daxter: Don't thank me! I'm only here because you wouldn't last a second without me! Okay tough guy, you got us into this mess, now you got to get us out!

Pecker: Ah, what a team we'll make!

Jak: Let's just get moving. But which way?

Daxter and Pecker: That way!

Pecker: Oh, and I suppose you know where you're going, eh?

Daxter: Better than you do, bent beak!

Jak: (sighs) Let's just move.

(Cut to later in the day.)

Pecker: This was all your stupid idea.

Daxter: No, it was yours! Only a birdbrain could have thought this one up. "Let's go with him, we'll help together!" You mean we'll die together! I can't believe the city hates us; we saved those lowlifes!

(Cut to flashback.)

Torn: Jak, the city's divided. Reports say new Krimzon Death Bots are holding a vital section of the industrial area! My men are getting their asses kicked! The KG have a new leader. We're trying to find out who it is.

Samos Hagai: I'm afraid I've got more bad news. A large group of surviving metal heads have concentrated in another section of the city.

Jak: But we destroyed Kor!

Samos Hagai: It appears the strongest metal heads have survived; the battle for the city has just begun!

Ashelin Praxis: The people are blaming you, Jak.

(End flashback.)

Daxter: Right. Good plan, Jak. (coughs) A nap would be nice. Just a teensy little rest.

Pecker: This bird is overcooked!

Jak: (coughs) The Palace...

(Cut to flashback.)

Samos Hagai: Report.

Torn: It's bad! The city's become a battlefield! Mechanized death bots have taken the Industrial Section, and the surviving metal heads have expanded their hold on the west side. We're losing ground on all fronts.

Ashelin Praxis: The council's meeting tonight in emergency session. Rumbling's about you, Jak—it doesn't look good. They think your friendship with Krew helped the metal heads get into the city.

Jak: You don't believe that, do you?

Samos Hagai: What's in the past is done. Right now, metal heads are assaulting the Palace. They're looking for something, and I have no idea–...

Daxter: Help, we're falling!

Torn: Over here! Jump!

Samos Hagai: By the Precursors!

(End flashback.)

Damas: Looks like we've found some live ones. Ah-huh, barely.

Damas: Here's the beacon we were picking up. Who gave you this?! We'll take them with us! Let's move! I smell a storm coming...

(In the pre-Jak 3 version of the movie. This is where this version ends.)
Daxter (narrating): That's right! Orange Lightning rides again! So what are you waiting for? A hero's work is never done! This is Daxter signing off. Over and out. Ten four! Wilco! Ride on! Off the air– alright, kill the mic already, I'm hungry. Let's go to lunch.

(In the post-Jak X: Combat Racing version of the movie. This version continues on from here.)
Daxter (narrating): Mmm, that's a pretty good schnoz you got there, sand man. Whew, but at least we were rescued.

Daxter: (gurgles, sighs) I love water. Oh yes, it's so good; desert bad.

Damas: Well, you've come back from the dead have you? And my monks were ready to pray for you. I am Damas, king of Spargus.

Jak: Spargus? Wait, nobody lives outside Haven's walls—not a whole city.

Damas: Ah yes, we are the forgotten ones. Haven City's refuse, thrown out and left to die. Just as you were. But now that you have been saved, your life belongs to the people of Spargus. And we will use it well, if it's actually worth anything.

Daxter: Hey, that sounds like a bad deal!

Damas: You are in no position to deal. Out here, everything is either useful or dead weight. Prove yourselves worthy, or the desert will be your grave.

Daxter (narrating): So we were sent to the arena to fight and prove our worth. Seems this hard-butt Damas guy liked to watch, and we were the main event! But we had no idea we'd find a loud-mouthed featherweight opening for the bout.

Pecker: Let's hear it for Jak, and his obnoxious talking animal!

Jak: Pecker! There you are. Where were you?

Pecker: Damas says I am to be his new counselor. He says my wisdom will serve him well. Oh yeah, and uh, Damas also says that you two are likely to die in the arena today, and he hopes your death is very, uh...

Daxter: Will you stop that? Damas can talk for himself!

Damas: He is right. You will most likely die. And yes, Pecker is my new advisor.

Pecker: Unlike you, some people appreciate my talents. It beats working for a living. I saw a few of the fights earlier. Whew, not a pretty sight.

Daxter: Why you little–...

Pecker: Let the games begin!

Daxter (narrating): With my killer training as guidance, Jak and I fought, and fought, and fought some more! Notice how I made it look like Jak did all the work—genius! We bashed and blasted gladiator-style! The crowd loved us! After cooking up some serious whoop-ass, we met a big boy who had a lot of girth going on down under.

Kleiver: Those were some sweet moves in the arena, boy. But a little more choke and you would have popped, eh?

Jak: You talking to me?

Daxter: Yeah! You talking to... him?

Kleiver: No, I'm conversing with me sweet departed mum. Of course you, you bore head. You two are from the big smoke, eh?

Jak: Who's asking?

Kleiver: The guy who runs this place, that's who! Kleiver's the name. You blokes stick with me, and I'll take care of you.

Daxter (narrating): Kleiver really seemed to like me. He always had that longing look in his eye.

Kleiver: Skinned and buttered, he'd make a nice treat.

Daxter (narrating): However, you can't have much of a relationship with someone...

Kleiver: (growls)

Daxter (narrating): ...who wants to eat you!

Kleiver: Isn't it time for you ankle-biters' naps? (chuckles)

Daxter: Yeah. Whatever.

Kleiver: Well, if it isn't the newbies.

Daxter: Keep yappin' jelly boy, we'll see who–...

Kleiver: Bite your bum, rat face, or I'll pound ya!

Daxter: (moans) Great stink of the Precursors! I got two words for you: tooth brush.

Daxter (narrating): Next on the freakazoid list was this, uh, individual.

Daxter: Nice threads. I didn't know rubber was back in. What are you working on, monk boy?

Seem: It is none of your concern, animal.

Daxter: Look, coloring book, we've had a hard week. Don't push it!

Seem: The arena shows all, dark one; hate consumes your eyes.

Jak: Great, thanks for the tip.

Seem: It will destroy you, just as these Precursors destroyed themselves.

Daxter: It doesn't look like any Precursor crap we've seen.

Seem: These artifacts are an abomination. One fell on the Great Volcano. We sent an expedition to the mountain, but my monks never returned. Ill tidings sing in the wind; I fear the remaking of the world is at hand.

Daxter: I think you've been out in the sun a little too long. Let's go, Jak.

Seem: You must leave this place! Heroes think they can save the world, when they themselves are lost.

Daxter: Hey, I'm the real hero here. You can call me, Orange Lightning—zazazing!

Seem: You may carry the color of our creators, animal, but we have plans to save ourselves. Stay out of our business.

Daxter (narrating): Like old face paint was a good judge of color, so I'm orange? I eat a lot of carrots! At least I wasn't a walking rainbow like Kooky Kabuki. Anyhow, Jak and I had an appointment with Mr. Sunshine himself.

Kleiver: Damas has a job for us, but I'm no babysitter, so stay out of my way!

Daxter: Jak's not afraid of you! Are you, Jak?

Kleiver: If you knew what was happening out here, you'd be afraid all right.

Damas: What's going on here?!

Kleiver: Nothing, your Lordship. Just offering Jak some healthy advice.

Damas: You have a reputation for being rash. Didn't your father ever tell you to pick your battles wisely?

Jak: I didn't know my father.

Damas: My point is, sometimes you face your enemy head on, and sometimes, you wait until his weakness is revealed. Patience is a warrior's greatest weapon. Do you understand?

Daxter (narrating): Well, well, well. Underneath that sandy, rough exterior, it seemed Damas actually had a soft spot. A little pearl.

Damas: Keeping people alive out here, keeping them full of hope, it can be daunting.

Jak: I'd say you've made a good life here.

Damas: You, too, must make a life, Jak. Take your destiny into your own hands. Look: sand cannot keep a shape by itself, but add water, and it becomes malleable. Fate can be such, if you add the right element...

Jak: Eco!

Damas: Hmm. Our minds think alike. My monks say the world is coming to an end, but I am a survivor. I say we live on long after this world dies! Be ready, you are shaping up to be one of my finest warriors, and I'll need you for the trials ahead. I mustn't lose you, like I lost my son.

Jak: You had a child?

Damas: Long ago. But much has been sacrificed in this war so that others could live. Anyway, it matters not. We're having serious trouble with marauders lately. I want you to take a vehicle and hunt down their warrior patrols. Go, and make war your own!

Daxter (narrating): Four-wheeling it through the deadly wasteland wasn't what I'd like to call a lazy Sunday drive. But Jak and I got busy taking out the beasties! It was like Geriatric Park with these old metal heads... These guys had no respect whatsoever for our ride. Boy, were they grumpy! Hey, you'd be grumpy too if you were getting shot in the butt.

Errol: Metal Head commander, report! What's happening? If you lost that cargo, and you're still alive, I'll kill you myself. I want every dark eco crystal you can find! Time is short! Did you hear me? Wait, not you! (screams)

Jak: I don't like the sound of your voice.

Daxter: Hah! You sure kicked sand in his face! Oh yeah, that was good.

Jak: That face looked familiar.

Daxter: Now you're getting paranoid, buddy boy. Come on, big foot, let's get back. This desert gives me the creeps.

Daxter (narrating): While we were out there under the scorching sky, a sunburn wasn't the only red thing that showed up...

Daxter: Hey baby. You thought you dumped me, huh? I knew you'd be back for some more orange lovin'! Get a good look, it's the last time you get to see it.

Jak: Ashelin! What are you doing here?

Ashelin Praxis: Jak, it's good to see you.

Daxter: Listen toots, you left us in the desert, so talk to the tail, 'cause the whiskers ain't listening! We out, Jak.

Jak: That beacon you gave me... thanks.

Ashelin Praxis: I knew Damas would find you. He doesn't miss much in this desert. Jak, your friends need you. I need you...

Jak: The city threw me out, remember? They can rot for all I care.

Ashelin Praxis: But what about your–...

Jak: Forget it! Just leave! I have new friends now.

Ashelin Praxis: So the hero I knew did die in the desert, or was it long before that? Don't you remember who you are?

Jak: I'm through saving the world.

Daxter (narrating): "No" means no, toots! Saving the world, shmaving the world! Every time we save it, somebody else screws it up! Anyway, we had better things to do, like searching for loot in some old Precursor ruins.

Jak: Now we're getting somewhere!

Daxter: That's the ticket!

Daxter (narrating): And then that crazy monk chick... thingy, showed up again

Veger: I want no excuses! You told me this could be done. Now make it so!

Seem: But we have so little time. The Day Star approaches! You know what it brings.

Veger: Unfortunate, yes. We will deal with that as soon as I have full access to the catacombs. Just continue your work, and I'll deal with those idiots in Haven. I promise, you will meet your makers!

Jak: Why are the catacombs so important?

Daxter (narrating): Notice how Jak always asks me the tough questions? I'm the brains of the outfit! If you haven't noticed. Luckily the Precursors had a few answers.

Daxter: Hey! It's one of those goober-eyed Precursor thingies.

Oracle: Greetings, great warrior. Your return brings us great hope. This planet's future is at a critical juncture. The Dark Ones have found your world again, and fate hangs in the balance where the past and the future collide.

Daxter: Do you have any idea what he just said? Speak-a-da-normal-language, okay?

Oracle: You will need all the power you can muster to survive this terrible test, great one.

Daxter: I can handle it.

Oracle: I was talking to the tall one, shorty!

Daxter: Hey!

Oracle: Look into the light and receive a power, hero. One which will help you reach new places; places only in your dreams.

Daxter (narrating): As if Jak wasn't already weird enough, now I had to deal with this new tentacle-y, glowing angel dude. Whatever! Jak thinks he's so cool now. Speaking of someone with an inflated image of himself, nice boots.

Veger: The monks told me you were coming through the Precursor subrails. Interesting aren't they? The Precursors used them to build the world countless eons ago. The rail system leads deep into the planet where it's said the ancient ones wait to bestow unimaginable powers upon the worthy. I will save the world with that power, just as Mar did!

Jak: Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the metal heads destroy the Palace.

Veger: Oh, you couldn't be more mistaken, dear boy. We're on a time clock, Jak! That light in the sky, do you know what it is? Our nightmare has found us and the end is coming! I needed quick access to the catacombs below, so I attacked the Palace myself. It will be our little secret.

Jak: Well you're full of surprises.

Veger: And you're full of dark eco! You and your rat are an abomination! But I will rid the planet of this scourge soon enough. Pure light will rule the universe, and I will be the bright light that shines to every corner of the world and destroys all shadows!

Daxter: Uh, excuse me Count Vulgar...

Veger: It's Veger!

Daxter: Yeah, whatever. Isn't it kinda nice to just curl up in the shade sometimes? Just chillin' it; watching the hot babes prancing around in their skimpy little bikinis, you know, just how they jiggle. I get that special tingling feeling in my... tail.

Veger: Enough! We will start the cleansing of the world with your demise! Behold! I now command the very power of the ancient ones!

Veger: And this time, the Precursors will not have mercy on you.

Daxter (narrating): Haven't we been here before? Jak and Daxter? The first adventure? Big Precursor robot fight? Remember?

Daxter (narrating): Notice how all the bad guys in these adventures do low moves on the ground, when we heroes are great at jumping? (laughs) Suckers! We love you designers! (kisses) You make us look so good!

Daxter (narrating): Say goodnight, black bugs! Anyway, this big boy needed a lesson in manners, so Jak and I opened class.

Daxter (narrating): Nice laser moves, bug-eyes.

Daxter (narrating): Oh, look! More things to jump on!

Daxter (narrating): We didn't start this fight, but sure as there's orange hair on my a– anyway, we sure finished it.

Daxter: Oh yeah! The boys are back in town!

Jak: Let's go topside and see what kinda trouble we can get into.

Act 2[]

Daxter (narrating): Jak and I had to get to the bottom of what was behind that glowing light in the sky everyone was yappin' about. If it's in the story, it might be a tad important.

Precursor: Approach the Astro-Viewer, time warrior. Behold, the seed of our destruction. Now, the dark ones have found your world, and are coming to claim it for themselves.

Daxter: Well that could ruin your whole day!

Jak: I think this one's bigger than both of us.

Precursor: There is but one hope left. You will find a planetary defense system hidden deep at the core of the planet. There is still a chance to save your world. I hope you are more successful than many planets, whose fate has already been closed.

Daxter (narrating): Killer Dark Maker ships from space? Planetary defense systems hidden deep in the earth? Sheesh. Jak was right, this was bigger than the both of us, and we needed help! First stop, my old watering hole.

Daxter: Ah, the Naughty Ottsel. Honey, I'm home!

Torn: Jak! I never thought I'd see you again. Ashelin, Ashelin, this is Torn. Jak's back in the city.

Ashelin Praxis: Jak? I knew I could count on you.

Torn: That new KG leader is probably pissing in his– Wait, someone's jamming the signal. I think–...

Jak: Errol!

Errol: I live! (laughs) Still fighting for the weak link, eh Jak? Well I've had a few enhancements since we last met. Even the Metal Heads have their biological weakness. But me? I'm pure metal! I'd love to meet you again.

Samos Hagai: We must unite our forces or we're though! You've got to reach us, Jak!

Ashelin Praxis: We need you to break through and link up with us before it's too late. The KG robots are growing stronger. That floating war factory of theirs is spitting out more robots every day.

Torn: We need to assault the KG front. If we can break through their defenses, we may be able to get back to HQ and link up. Care to make some noise, Jak?

Jak: We're always up for a little rumble, hey Dax?

Daxter: Fish in a barrel, baby! Fish in a barrel.

Daxter (narrating): So it was up to yours truly to break through. And with a singular moment of complete bravery... I managed to reunite us with our buds, all without me suffering a single scratch!

Samos Hagai: Nice moves, my boy. You're the best man we've got to lead an expedition into the catacombs.

Veger: Please, please, let us not be too hasty. Are you sure you want this dark eco freak contaminating the hallowed halls of our glorious Precursors? I should lead the expedition myself.

Ashelin Praxis: We're tired of your scheming, Veger.

Veger: I've got the answer you're looking for. My Precursor monks have given me the knowledge to turn on the planetary defense grid—if you beg me to do so.

Keira Hagai: Jak's always gotten us through thick and thin. I'm with him.

Samos Hagai: Hear, hear!

Daxter: You're washed up, Vegan.

Veger: Veger! It's Veger, you idiot!

Daxter: Whatever!

Ashelin Praxis: Count Veger, I hereby dissolve the city council and strip you of your title, command, and all privileges. Now get out of my sight.

Veger: What? How dare you! I offered you mercy, but now you will all burn in the Precursor fires of creation! I swear it...

Ashelin: That floating war factory has got to be shut down. You up for some action, Jak?

Jak: Look who you're talking to. Let's rock and roll, Dax!

Daxter (narrating): Can I just interject here, that being on Jak's shoulder has meant a sharp increase in my odds of dying! He's always heading to where the worst danger is! Now, if I'd sat on Ashelin's soft, downy shoulder, all the adventure I'd have is a nice, top down view of some huge... screen read-outs. But no!

Daxter (narrating): So it was up to us, once again, to save the world, and make our way up to the floating war factory high overhead. It turns out Errol was running the place. He had survived his little eco explosion in our last adventure, and had been rebuilt by his fellow Krimzon bots, into something bigger and better than before. With feet like that? Huh?

Errol: I've found some new friends to help me conquer this puny little planet.

Jak: You're talking to the Dark Makers!

Errol: It seems my digital self can communicate with these poor, tortured minds quite well. Oh, they're just like you and me, Jak. Well, me at least. They want a home, someone to call a friend, destruction of all light eco! Don't fret, you won't live to see what I turn this little world into. Maybe a rock, or a floating puddle of slag, or nothing at all! Complete oblivion! So hard to choose.

Daxter (narrating): So Jak and I brought it! And swept up the bolt boy and his puny little bots! As you can see, Jak and I can easily take out any robot that boots up. Even cute talking ones that like to "clank" around! Yeah, that's right! I said it! Robots!

Jak: Damn! He got away!

Daxter: See you later, mech-a-nator!

Daxter: Jak, the sky is falling!

Act 3[]

Daxter: We took it to that robot goon and kicked his nuts! And bolts.

Jak: Errol got away, but we shut down his robot factory.

Samos Hagai: That's good. But it is troubling to see what Errol is doing. I fear he may be trying to awaken that terrible dark ship before we can destroy it.

Pecker: Onin says the Precursors and Dark Makers have fought over worlds for as long as time has turned. It would not be the first time a planet was lost to those monsters.

Jak: Well it's not going to be this planet. We've lasted this long. We've just got to find a way to destroy that thing. The truth lies at the bottom of the catacombs; that's where I need to go.

Daxter (narrating): As usual, we're headed straight into the danger zone, to find Pecker and that dark hole leading into the core of the planet.

Pecker: Where have you been?! I've molted three times already just waiting for you! Onin says we must get through the Palace ruins, but I think– Uh-oh...

Daxter: Jak, let me just say, before it's all over: riding on your shoulder, although it is kind of bony, and uncomfortable, well, you've been a good pal.

Jak: You too, Dax. These adventures, they've been great.

Damas: Someone call for an army?

Jak: Well you're a long way from the desert. I thought you said a smart warrior never takes his opponent head on.

Damas: That depends on how hard your skull is. I'd say you and I are both rather headstrong.

Jak: Let's finish this!

Daxter (narrating): Now this is the bling, baby! Rolling with my homies in our cool, tricked out, fully loaded SUV. Sporting quad-traction, thirty-inch rubber pies, leather seats, killer sound, and of course weapons to clear away the freeway gridlock! Biatch!

Jak: Damas!

Damas: Not bad driving, kid. It was a good fight (coughs) and a good day to die. I'm very proud to have been by your side in the end. (coughs) This world is not yet out of heroes.

Jak: We did well together. Don't move I'll–...

Damas: Please... promise me one thing. Promise me you'll find my son, Mar. You'll know him when you see this: he's wearing an amulet just like it. A symbol of our lineage with the great House of Mar. (coughs) Save the people, Jak. They need you.

Daxter (narrating): And the nominees for acting in a leading heroic role are... envelope please!

Jak: Father...

Veger: Yes, you were that child. I took you from Damas, hoping to harness your eco powers for my experiments. Then I lost you to the Underground. You seem upset. Did I tell you too late? You were the son of the great warrior Damas. Oh, and he never knew—how delightful.

Dark Jak: (shouts) Veger!

Veger: Thank you for opening the door to the Precursors. Don't worry, I'll be back to put you out of your misery.

Daxter: After him, Jak!

Jak: You're willing to go down there? Without a fuss this time?

Daxter: Yeah, well don't get used to it. It's just that nobody hurts my best friend and lives to brag about it. Let's get him!

Daxter (narrating): Just for the record, when I said that, I was still a bit groggy from the explosion. But I mean, you know, Jak finding out about his dad... only after the guy was dead, and... Damas never knowing that Jak was really his... (sniffles) Stop it! Ottsels don't cry. No sir-y! Nope!

Precursor: Greetings, great warrior. Before it is too late, you must power up the planet's defense system. The eco sphere has begun its energy conversion. It will take some time for the weapon to fully charge.

Precursor: You have proven your worth, warrior. We grant you the gift of evolution; the honor of becoming one of us.

Veger: Step aside! I will be the one who evolves into a Precursor. The right is mine!

Precursor: Be careful what you wish for...

Veger: It is done. Don't worry, Jak. It is for the greater good that I assume this role.

Precursor: Even now, it may be too late. If Errol awakens the dark ship's cargo, all will be lost.

Daxter: Listen glow boy, we've been doing all your dirty work while you slept in the stars, so stuff it!

Precursor: Inefficient! I told you we needed a backup hero. We should have gone with plan B! Ow! Hey! Cut it out!

Ottsel Leader: We are unhappy with your performance. If you had been a true hero, you would have stopped Errol by now!

Daxter (narrating): No way! Oh, come on... Who thought of this?!

Jak: Oh my god...

Ottsel Leader: Yes, well, uh, now we are even more angry. And uh, we order you to avert your eyes or we will, um... Oh, bother.

Daxter: They look like me?

Ottsel Leader: Not what you expected?

Ottsel Surfer: Yeah, we like get that a lot!

Ottsel Leader: Don't look so upset. If you knew we Precursors were a bunch of little fuzzy rats, would you worship us? Could we run the universe?

Ottsel Surfer: Not possible, buddy!

Ottsel Leader: So, we fluff up the myth... a bit.

Ottsel Dummy: Then we get the respect we deserve!

Veger: You idiots! Get down from there and stop defiling that glorious machine!

Ottsel Leader: Do not let our size fool you. We are the most powerful beings in the universe.

Ottsel Dummy: We are?

Ottsel Leader and Ottsel Surfer: (shushes)

Jak: Why does Daxter look like–

Ottsel Leader: Ah yes. All eco contains the source of our essence, our code so to speak. When Daxter touched the dark eco, he was actually blessed when he thought he was cursed.

Daxter: Wahoo! I'm a Precursor! (singsong) I'm a Precursor, I'm a Precursor! Hey! Wait a minute... They have pants!

Veger: These creatures are the great Precursors?! And I wanted to evolve into th– No!

Veger: (screams)

Daxter: A little drafty, isn't it?

Ottsel Leader: The only way to ensure that Errol will not awaken the ship's cargo is to go there yourself and stop him. We will send you there from here.

Jak: But the weapon...

Ottsel Surfer: Chill out, buddy! You should have mondo minutes to go there and get back here pronto. Way before the–...

Ottsel Leader: Hopefully before...

Ottsel Dummy: Baboom! Huh-ho yeah! (chuckles)

Jak: Let's move!

Ottsel Leader: You idiots! I told you we needed a plan B!

Daxter (narrating): What they needed was plan D, for Daxter! That super weapon we turned on back on the planet was about to blow this ship out of the stars, at any moment! And as if that weren't enough, preparing to awaken the whole nest of Dark Maker planet formers was old Sunshine Pants himself.

Daxter: If these nasty things ever wake up, the planet's finished.

Errol: All of these dark makers at my command. Just think what I could do!

Jak: You're through, Errol! Even if we both die! (shouts)

Errol: No!

Daxter: Jak? Jak!

Daxter (narrating): Thanks to us, the planet's defense system fired, and hit the dark ship... while we were still aboard! Thanks a lot, little Precursor dudes. With all your power and technology you couldn't manage to put a little delay switch on the super gun?!

Jak: Let's go, Dax!

Daxter (narrating): We destroyed the cargo, but Erol managed to get into one of the planet formers and get away!

Daxter: We did it! Woohoo!

Jak: Not yet.

Errol: You will all die at my hand!

Daxter: This guy just won't quit!

Jak: It's headed for the city! We got to defend it, for Damas.

Daxter: The last charge of the dark and light brigade! Let's do it, partner!

Jak: To the end.

Daxter (narrating): Errol and that leggy planet former were heading straight for the city and our friends! So we decided to dance. Thank goodness Jak had practiced his driving before. Note to Dark Maker designers: don't put the most vulnerable parts of your mechanical beast low and on the feet where we can easily shoot them! Duh! But that's just what we did!

Daxter (narrating): Old leg iron got a serious case of gas, or something. And it came crashing down!

Daxter (narrating): Sliding into home... and he's out!

Daxter (narrating): Old ro-butt was still on that ugly birthday cake somewhere, so we needed to get up there and blow out his candles! Sure enough, Errol was waiting for us when we climbed up, and thus the last battle with the nut-meister began! Uh, Jak needed the work out. Give him two to the chest and one to the head, hero boy!

Daxter (narrating): We took out his defenses... and then Jak took aim.

Daxter (narrating): Oh, come on, you weren't worried, were you? Check out how cool I look walking in slow-mo. That's right! Hardcore hero, baby! Jak and I rock!

Daxter (narrating): What happens in the wasteland stays in the wasteland.

Daxter (narrating): Oh yeah! Let's get this party started!

Ottsel Leader: Thank you, brave people of this planet... Onin, Samos, and all! Your strength and wisdom in these dark times give us reason to fight on.

Samos Hagai: My life's work, it turns out, was spent searching for a bunch of furballs.

Pecker: Onin says it is a great day for the universe.

Ottsel Leader: Jak, you are the greatest of heroes. You have turned the tide against the Dark Makers, and together we will win this war.

Ottsel Surfer: But dude, there are like way more challenges in the future.

Ottsel Dummy: Hah! Uh, or was it the past?

Ottsel Leader: Yes, yes, I was getting to that.

Jak: More adventures? Where have I heard that before?

Ottsel Leader: We need heroes like you to help us protect the universe, Jak.

Jak: Then you can call me by my first name, by what my father called me... Mar.

Ashelin Praxis: Wait, Jak is Mar? The Mar?

Ottsel Leader: Come then Mar, no time like the present.

Jak: You coming, Dax?

Daxter: Nah. I got all I need right here, baby. But if you need me, and I know you will, you know where to find me.

Tess: Oh, Daxter! My little hero!

Ottsel Leader: We owe you much, Daxter, for all you've done. For your bravery in the face of incredible danger, we shall grant you your deepest desire.

Daxter: You know, I could really use a snazzy pair of pants. Like yours!

Tess: Wow! Those are sharp. I wish I had a pair just like that!

Ottsel Leader: Be careful what you wish for.

Daxter: (whistles) Don't worry honey, you get used to it. Oh, and you may want to shave some parts. Trust me on that.

Jak: Hey! Thanks for everything, partner.

Seem: You are a great hero, Daxter.

Daxter: This is gonna be good. They think I'm a god—and they're right!

Precursors: Our hero!

Ottsel Veger: (sighs) This is going to be a long trip.

Kleiver: Where do you think you're going, little bugger? I've decided I want me own sidekick and you've been nominated. We're gonna be a great team, just don't make me angry.

Ottsel Leader: Are you ready, Jak? We have something to show you.

Jak: What?

Ottsel Leader: The universe!

Daxter (narrating): Can you believe Jak just took off and left me?! After all the adventures we've been through together?! Oh. Guess not. Or did he?

Jak: Ah, I couldn't leave you, Dax. With all our adventures ahead, you wouldn't last a second without me.

Pecker: Ah, what a team we are!

Daxter: Yeah? Well the next adventure, I call the shots! Put her there, partner. Hah! Psych! Oh yeah, life is good.

Daxter (narrating): Either way, we were back together! Inseparable! Bosom buddies! Left brain, right brain! Yin and yang! The two amigos! The Demolition Duo! Three-for-three and all because of me! That's right! Jak and Daxter save the day again! So allow me to sum up... Jak pushes me into the drink of dark eco, on purpose I think, I turn into a fuzzy ottsel, I sacrifice my chance to turn back into a real boy so we can stop Gol and Maia, then we find an ancient warp ring and Jak and company warp forward into the future and find Sandover Village radically changed. It's now a huge city under attack from Metal Heads. It's also where Jak came from in the first place. We stop the Baron, Krew, and Metal Heads and take out Kor, Jak's younger self goes back in time to grow safe and sound and eventually meet me, while older Jak and I get thrown into the wasteland. A strange leader named Damas rescues us and teaches us how to be better warriors. It turns out he's Jak's real father. Who knew? Meanwhile, back in the city, Count Veger tries to become a Precursor, but we discover that the ancient ones were actually fuzzy creatures that look like me, and they're still around, hiding in the shadows, running the planet. Jak uses their power to warp to the Dark Maker ship and stop Errol from destroying the planet. We destroy the dark ship and Errol and save the day. We all celebrate my new god-like Precursor status and everybody worships the Daxter, as it should be. Tess gets fuzzy... ooh, I like fuzzy. The Precursors leave. Jak stays. The trilogy's over. Everyone's happy, and now everyone needs something new to do. I know! How about racing? That would be a ton of fun! This is Orange Lightning, calling all cars! Gentlemen, and gentleladies, start your engines! Let the races begin! So what're you waiting for? A hero's work is never done! This is Daxter signing off! Over and out! Ten four! Wilco! Ride on! Off the air– alright, kill the mic already, I'm hungry. Let's go to lunch.
